
- An area of especial interest to me regards the relative high level of acceptance of extreme and so called 'deviant' sex practices as well as pornography - in what are also the lowest crime rate and highest egalitarian standard of living societies and cultures in the world (of which the great "richest country in the world" U.S.A. does not qualify among by any number of means and examples) -

These things and more to be coming here when I am able. I have MUCH more to add regarding Christian Control and the Word Faith movement, with its teachings that being sick and poor are in the realm of sin - this movement of non-denominational Christianity now dominating televangelism so uncannily backs up republican agendas right down to the most egregious belief being pushed that people simply do not even NEED health insurance because if they are good enough Christians and possess the right 'faith' they should not be getting sick - And how anyone fails to recognize how incredibly the contemporary Christian movements in the U.S.A. are paralleling republican agendas, is simply beyond me.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

reply from Venezuelian correspondent re: recent comments/company nationalization

 Reply from Venezuelan correspondent regarding recent disagreement statements on the matter made recently in the comments section here, where the subject of nationalization of companies/corporations had been explained in very brief:

"The state is the majority shareholder
National government approved purchase of 80% of Cativen
In a special event from the city of Barquisimeto in Lara state, the Head of State issued the measure that seeks to consolidate the transformation of national economy.
The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, on Saturday approved the purchase of 80% of the shares of the company Chain Store Venezolana SA (Cativen).
The proposed sale of the majority of shares was made by French transnational Groupe Casino of France, which owns Cativen.
With this decision the national government has the majority stake, and become master of all supermarkets Each, hypermarkets Success and its distribution channels and truck fleets.
Also, the national leader explained that the remaining 20% remain in the hands of the French multinational, allowing them to participate in management meetings, official news agency ABN.
Head of State said that with the purchase of Cativen will consolidate the transformation of the economy, deepen the transition to running the national government to change the capitalist model speculator socialist economic model.
In addition, he said the purchase will strengthen Cativen the Socialist Market Corporation (Comers) " 


  1. Just a quickie: The Venezuelan people are getting screwed without Vaseline. Free enterprise is the best economic model but it has to have regulations; unlike what we have in America. There also has to have a certain amount of socialist initiatives and the ownership by the State of natural monopolies. That is a given and it has proven to be a winning combination. What Chavez is doing is scorch the earth type of actions and it only destroys wealth and prosperity, it does not create them. Worse, the violation of human rights is so egregious just like in Cuba. There is no concern for the individual or the freedoms that we value most. That is simply not acceptable.
    Then there is the man himself: an autocratic, arrogant, pompous and incompetent loser, much like what we had here in America in the person of George W. Bush; as a matter of fact, they have uncanny similarities Bush and Chavez.
    Please re-think your blind allegiance to that Marxist philosophy because it failed already in the Soviet Union and in Cuba. Think a little more about being a progressive and provide people with the ability to make choices not take them away with repression.

  2. Abraham Lincoln said:
    I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him.
    --August 11, 1846 Letter to Allen N. Ford
    Just think of all the lies that Chavez and Bush have told...and they are not even accidental, they are lies they put out knowing full well they are.

    Cuban dissident dies in hunger strike;
    Chavez and Uribe go at it at the Rio Group Summit
    This is what Venezuelans have to look forward to with Chavez copying the Cuban model.
    Orlando Zapata Tamayo, a 42 year old dissident died Tuesday in the health clinic of the Combinado del Este Prison. He had been on a hunger strike and in prison since 2003. He was first sent there for “disrespecting authority” when he was sentenced to three years in prison to be lengthened later to 25 years because authorities wanted to further repress him for his political activism.
    This in my opinion is just but one of many examples of the repression against persons advocating the respect of basic human rights. It is only one more way the Cuban government shows contempt for anyone who dares to voice an opposing view.
    A former Cuban Ministry of Interior Chief arrived in Venezuela recently to help them with their energy crisis (?) that is difficult to comprehend because Venezuela is one of the major oil producing nations of the world. What this fellow is there to do is to help the Chavez regime to institute repression as it is done in Cuba; nothing else.
    In the meantime, at the Rio Group Summit, when Colombian President Alvaro Uribe said that Venezuela had halted the commercial relations with Colombia and it was similar to the U.S. embargo against Cuba; Chavez stood up and started throwing insults at Colombia’s President.
    “Why don’t you go to hell?” Chavez screamed as he was leaving the conference room. Uribe, who maintained his composure and very calmly replied to Chavez: “”Be a man and stay to discuss this face to face.”
    Chavez’ behavior is appalling and if it had not been for the intervention of some of the people present in the room it would have been a more serious incident. Chavez can’t take the slightest criticism nor is he willing to have somebody else exposes a point of view. Kind of like Cuba's Castro brothers.
    Just thought you should know

  4. Thanks Raulito that's a very interesting comment you just made with the examples of the Cuban government and treatment of their people etc. I do need to look into the relationship between Chavez and Cuba, that is a point very worth of exploring, thank you for bringing it further to attention here.
    The relationship between Venezuela and Columbia is a different matter entirely and I believe has more to do with the U.S. and Bush, interestingly and even rather disturbingly taking Columbia on to their side very pointedly - and there is a lot behind that I don't think you'd like Raulito.


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