
- An area of especial interest to me regards the relative high level of acceptance of extreme and so called 'deviant' sex practices as well as pornography - in what are also the lowest crime rate and highest egalitarian standard of living societies and cultures in the world (of which the great "richest country in the world" U.S.A. does not qualify among by any number of means and examples) -

These things and more to be coming here when I am able. I have MUCH more to add regarding Christian Control and the Word Faith movement, with its teachings that being sick and poor are in the realm of sin - this movement of non-denominational Christianity now dominating televangelism so uncannily backs up republican agendas right down to the most egregious belief being pushed that people simply do not even NEED health insurance because if they are good enough Christians and possess the right 'faith' they should not be getting sick - And how anyone fails to recognize how incredibly the contemporary Christian movements in the U.S.A. are paralleling republican agendas, is simply beyond me.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Internet/telecommunications etc for remote and otherwise unavailable Venezuelan populace access


Interesting little news info from (thanks go to Benito) on information stations setting up in parts of the country for internet, telecommunications,  etc - previously unavailable in homes and/or without free easy public access:

From the National Library, the President of the Republic, Hugo Chávez, said the "Infocentro" (info-centre) (*) project should weave a network of digital interaction to struggle to impulse the community organization and popular communication.
The first ruler made a call so in all info-centres of the country is encouraged the creation of a mechanism for communication across the network, not just for newspapers but a real-time communication.
Chavez insisted that "there is a need to articulate more and better the battle to enhance all these spaces".
The highest authority of the Executive Power mentioned the programs that have been developed and have been discussed at meetings of community training in different parts of the country, among them he highlighted:
1. The People's Communications Brigades in several info-centres of Caracas, seeking to create spaces so the people's discourses positioned through the technological tool can transform the info-centers into sites of production of popular content.
2. Info-centres of the Apure region began in 2009 a training process in community journalism, which seeks to share knowledge and tasks of the people of the Plains as a way of not losing their distinct qualities and local identity, through an electronic newspaper called El Mirandino Apureño.
3. Socioproductive local projects: At the info-center of El Trueque, Yaracuy state, was created a space for exchanging foodstuffs. In the colony of Turén in Portuguesa state were created socio-productive projects, organic crop farms, to exchange a socialist socio-productive network that was started in 2009.
This project is aimed at that, through chemical-free crops, is provided healthy food for the consumption of the grandparents of the Care Center for Older Adult Men and Women "Nuestra Señora de Coromoto".
It is planned through the preparation of sweets and juice concentrates for sale, to obtain resources to meet the needs of the grandparents: medicines and personal hygiene products.
4. For the development of the experience has been taken advantage of the Internet so the facilitators of infocentres and other members of the group are documented on the management of organic crop farms.
5. The infocentres allow to study local history and culture of the regions and impulse the social inclusion through the use of technology for people with disabilities, so that these people may count on the infocentres with the necessary tools such as an image amplifier, Braille boards, that have to do with the scanner of the book to translate reading and reproduce the documents through the Braille printer.
Meanwhile, Norma Garcia, spokeswoman of the communal council "We are more than conquerors," of the San Jose parish, thanked the national government for this project, and added that the community counts with spaces to extend the infocenters.
To this, President Chavez responded that will be appointed a committee to assess the areas that have the parishes, taking into account that each infocentre in the community covers a radius of action.

(*) The "Infocentro" project comprehends a series of facilities spread through the country, equipped with computers, Information Technology tools and Internet Access, to provide a quality and free access to information technologies to the people, specially those populations with lesser resources, in order to universalize the access to information.


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