
- An area of especial interest to me regards the relative high level of acceptance of extreme and so called 'deviant' sex practices as well as pornography - in what are also the lowest crime rate and highest egalitarian standard of living societies and cultures in the world (of which the great "richest country in the world" U.S.A. does not qualify among by any number of means and examples) -

These things and more to be coming here when I am able. I have MUCH more to add regarding Christian Control and the Word Faith movement, with its teachings that being sick and poor are in the realm of sin - this movement of non-denominational Christianity now dominating televangelism so uncannily backs up republican agendas right down to the most egregious belief being pushed that people simply do not even NEED health insurance because if they are good enough Christians and possess the right 'faith' they should not be getting sick - And how anyone fails to recognize how incredibly the contemporary Christian movements in the U.S.A. are paralleling republican agendas, is simply beyond me.


Monday, January 11, 2010


Since I come from very conservative Right wing Christian parents I have a very keen insight into the thinking of these people.....the way Christianity is being used for financial and cultural control and gain, etc.

I don't think the majority of people even here in the U.S. understand the magnitude of what is going on and that there exist actual highly intrinsic motivations for the Right's forcing this country into Christianity.
The tendency with liberal minded people is usually at least some level of pacifism and a 'live and let live' attitude prevails. An intrinsic characteristic of the Right is to go out and fight for and take what they want, and in whatever manner they possibly can.
The left wing tending people are generally of an open minded nature and will not always agree with one another because they will choose and act upon that which they truly feel is right. The Right in their quest for ultimate power will stick together on everything there is no room for individual opinion. Remember, it's "Either you're with us - or against us." - there's no problem admitting there is absolutely no room even amongst themselves for anything other than the ultimate authority which must be followed unquestionably.
Thus the differences in attitudes and actions of the two mindsets make for a detrimental situation which is largely why we are where we are today.

The U.S. is rife with culture war as never before. Right versus Left, the economic factions more disgustingly greedful than ever before, and Christianity deeply intertwined into this political mess used for political and economic control, as it has been for millennia but astonishingly continues into the present day even albeit the level of education and knowledge we have reached, and this should not be. This effect is actually on the increase dramatically in the United States.

For the Right to hold on to everything they can, and take more, they need people to work and behave as they dictate and can control. This is a wonderful way in which religion comes into play. Coming from a deeply religious Right wing conservative family situation I am acutely aware of the thinking at work in the agendas of the Right. For example the thinking of my father as influenced by his factions that even as a very middle class economic wage earner, taxes should be lowered on the rich and labour unions are terribly detrimental as people are being paid too much, socialism is outright evil and sinful as "God didn't make us this way."

For a capitalism to be successful you need a large body of the public with significant spending money. This squeezing the public out of everything they possibly can now by the corporations and businessmen, the drive to maximize profits in absolutely any and every way possible - without care or thought to the future ramifications of this, they are actually shooting themselves in the foot because they are going to run out of people with the spending money to keep giving them. It's already happened and thus the economic crisis at hand. The massive gas price increase which occurred several years ago for absolutely no real reason but to suddenly milk the U.S. public as meganomically as possible by the oil companies as they realized they could do it, so why not? And I believe it was this which triggered the economic collapse, this ON TOP OF the "sub-prime mortgage" business practices. I don't think all those people really couldn't afford their mortgages, right in those same amount of recent years.....it was the jacking up of costs of everything else and largely gasoline which really affected people living just within their means; also affecting the costs of everything which is bought by these people and shipped to the stores via gas powered vehicles. That fascinating spike in gas prices we had for a couple years which so coincidentally occurred when the sub-prime mortgages were all given...actually the timing makes light of the oil/gas prices as being the catalyst for the sub-prime mortgage people to simultaneously be unable to afford their house payments.  Suddenly people's spending money was no longer available for supporting other forms of business as it had to go into their gas tanks, this especially effecting the middle and lower classes. The cost of transporting goods and foods to the stores became more expensive; the massive sudden raise in gasoline price had a drastic domino effect. And curiously, right after the economic collapse occurred, which had of course been building for years but suddenly struck within a very short amount of time, the oil companies dropped their gas prices down to incredibly lower prices. Did the oil companies realize their several years of megalomaniacal profit making had actually had a catastrophic effect on the U.S. economy? I've yet to hear this theory voiced in the media and I'm not sure why not.

The profit motives of the corporations and rich which are bigger than ever before also take no account of long term effects on the environment. Such as the incredible agenda of keeping fossil fuels the primary energy source in the U.S. These people have so much money how could it hurt them to start directing some of it into establishing solar power for our future generations? Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the White House roof, Ronald Regan had them removed when he moved in. It's actually largely just about what basically amounts to a 'good old boys club' of people in the oil industry and those with ties to them, which decides the fate of a future time when the catastrophic effects of pollution will be too late to reverse and we could have been working on implementing a solar energy system all along so it'd be there when we finally REALLY need it. But not when this could threaten these people's profit maximization, that is truly the highest order of all things and it's no joke.

I find fascinating irony in the fact that these factions are also so obsessively based in their Christianity which is very specific about helping out mankind.
(Not to mention that good old adage that a rich man has as much chance of getting into heaven as a camel through the eye of a needle - But you see the way their religion works is that they choose what to believe and what not to believe from their religion based on THEIR needs and wants at any given time or situation. It's the hallmark of Christianity.)

And for the current economic business model in the U.S. - any decrease in profits, in fact if profits are not multiplied each year after year - amounts to failure in their minds no matter how rich they still are.

An example which I am going to take the time and space here to actually write out because it is such a beautiful example of the ruthless corporate sqeezing of middle and lower class America:
Bank of America makes so much money on overdraft fees that they've now implemented schemes to maximize this income which will blow your mind.
This example I have personally: My roommate's checking account was overdrawn recently, and in addition to the huge overdraft fees per item, they have implemented a new additional fee of $30.00 if the account remains overdrawn for three days. And as hard as this is to believe, when he deposited money into this account they then put a hold on these new funds due to another new complimentary scheming rule that funds, even when drawn upon their own very bank and literally now present in the account, must be held for a certain time period when deposited into an overdrawn account. Thus ensuring even MORE overdraft items and fees even AFTER the customer has actually funded their account, and then in addition ensuring they get that new additional $30.00 fee for remaining more than three days overdrawn.
THE AUDACITY of a company (and one which provides a service the public has little choice of living without) SQUEEZING the U.S. public like this and at a time when people are in such economic crisis and struggling as they are?! - How do they expect a successful capitalism to flourish with the fleecing of their public to these degrees and even at times of dire financial struggle for people?! And again my warning, their hyper-greed is effectively shooting themselves in the foot in the long run.

However.....If a future does not exist then attention to future ramifications is of little necessity.
And here we have a very fascinatingly uncanny connection tying directly into the issue of Christianity being so intrinsically intertwined within the Right. The Christian masses believe 'the rapture' will be coming along before the peril of environmental collapse and other economic detriment etc will destroy their lives. As difficult as this rationalization is to believe happening, again I personally have an inside into the ideology and thinking of the average American who is on the side of the Right due to my personal familial connections, and it has also been pointed out by social scientists that a fairly accurate estimation of the number of U.S. citizens believing 'the rapture' is coming amounts to around 44% of the population.
Yes it becomes clear there are indeed a number of intrinsic benefits the Right has for enforcing a society of 'Christian Values'.

In Arianna Huffington's book "Pigs At The Trough" she writes after having consulted with clinical psychologists, on the phenomena of thinking and behaviour which exists rampantly amongst the Right wing political and business mongers that is actually identical to psychosis. Points such as lack of remorse, lack of concern for impacts against others by their actions, and future detrimental ramifications. There is also this assertion that they know the will of god and are following it with their actions. It has come out of the mouths of George W. Bush, Mike Huckabee, my own father for examples, along with many others, some in dangerously high places of power. To declare to know the will of god is not only heretical but another symptom of psychosis.
Yet the majority of these people are actually not mentally ill, so this is truly a fascinating phenomena. I personally believe it is their extreme greed which has overtaken and altered their thinking structure, changed facets in their mind radically from those of a normal human individual. The fact that their bizarre version of reality IS REALITY unquestionably and absolute.

It is fascinating to learn of George Bush senior's connections and friendship with the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, a billionaire who commands incredible legions of followers as he claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. This man also disturbingly owns the Washington Times. How could such a godly Christian as George Bush associate with such a heretic, and especially as Christianity and its values are such an integral part of the Right, its values so core and intrinsic to our leaders? This would seemingly make no sense. But Bush shows up at Moon's events from time to time as documented. And as it turns out the Reverend Moon has contributed vast amounts of money to Right wing factions and likely funded the majority of the cost of Bush senior's Presidential library. So apparently money, trumps even the all important religious values. Similarly how Mormons are embraced by the Right wing club though their beliefs are heretical to say the least, this seems to be of no concern to our Christian concerned leaders and foundations, as long as they have money and are on the Republican side. Money trumps all for them and I don't have to do or say much in convincing anyone there.

A terrible fear obsessing the Christian conservative is the power of influential forces. And a major one being that of swinging their children into homosexuality. If their Christian lifestyle is so strong and righteous, how can it be that one of their children could even turn out as a homosexual? That should not even be possible. The incredible obsession the Right has with homosexuality trumps even things like our own people not having enough food on the table and medical care. This subject is bizarrely the biggest controversy raging in the culture war and U.S. climate today. I will make counter-points in my blog to their accusations of homosexuality being unnatural for the reasons which they give, it is not only highly natural but very beneficial for our species in a variety of ways, and points on how flawed and damaging the Christian lifestyle is in contrast.
Change is among the most vile enemy of those who wish to hold on to everything they can (whilst taking as much more as possible.) Things which do not fit within the values the factions have their set up living control system dictating, enforced largely via Christianity, are thus a tremendous threat to their power structure and methodology.

A point I would like to make regarding the current mega-controversy raging in the U.S. over same-sex marriage:
Aside from the ridiculous points that it threatens heterosexual marriage, which if such a stable thing should have no such threat to it at all, not to mention such divorce rates. How can Christians who claim so much sanctity and sacredness about marriage have such a high divorce rate? This should not be.
As far as their obsession with trying to prevent same-sex marriage at absolutely any cost, you'd think their very livelihoods and the world depended upon this?

And the point on their obsession with restricting homosexual activities and marriage etc I would like to make - Is Hell Not Enough For Us? Remember we are headed there in the end but you want to fuck with us as much as possible in THIS life too? This insistence  that everyone MUST live as you believe.
Is Hell Not Enough?

1 comment:

  1. There is no doubt there exists a very concerted efforts to turn this country into a theocracy. Just look at the semi-secret "Brotherhood" in DC. Also see how twisted the whole thing has become and by now there are Americans who actually believe the Founding Fathers actually meant it to be a Christian Nation when in reality it is the least of the things they wanted. They were very specific about separating church and state.


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