
- An area of especial interest to me regards the relative high level of acceptance of extreme and so called 'deviant' sex practices as well as pornography - in what are also the lowest crime rate and highest egalitarian standard of living societies and cultures in the world (of which the great "richest country in the world" U.S.A. does not qualify among by any number of means and examples) -

These things and more to be coming here when I am able. I have MUCH more to add regarding Christian Control and the Word Faith movement, with its teachings that being sick and poor are in the realm of sin - this movement of non-denominational Christianity now dominating televangelism so uncannily backs up republican agendas right down to the most egregious belief being pushed that people simply do not even NEED health insurance because if they are good enough Christians and possess the right 'faith' they should not be getting sick - And how anyone fails to recognize how incredibly the contemporary Christian movements in the U.S.A. are paralleling republican agendas, is simply beyond me.


Monday, January 11, 2010

This is my new blog where I will address areas of concern to me...largely regarding the US cultural war, elements and standing of pornography, standing of various kinds of 'extreme' and/or 'deviant' sex or fetish in the Western World.....
And also relativity in general......the joke of religion beyond Christianity.....the lies of the U.S. government over it's people, they who exist as independent factions of power even at war amongst each other....the U.S. government is surely the most tangled and complex of anything remotely in existence, and is probably going further in that direction.

RIGHT Wing agenda.....it not only affects our country but is killing off people in others......
And a hundred million housewifes sit home snuggled in their armchairs, with cable TV on to give them the news, and with the flick of the switch, it's off - and they can go back to their own little realities and go to bed. They are the lucky ones, for now. I hope that the day does not come when such a life will no longer exist for anyone inside this country anymore (other than the very rich.)

The point of having it here is to be interactive so that others can comment, to be able to include links of reference, etc.

I need to figure out how to use this thing - to organize it all so I can do what I want with it.

To get started I'm just pasting in my statement for the "Forschungsbericht"
exhibition in Vienna - and then will go from there trying to figure out how to break things out into categories on different pages and see what all I can do here.

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