
- An area of especial interest to me regards the relative high level of acceptance of extreme and so called 'deviant' sex practices as well as pornography - in what are also the lowest crime rate and highest egalitarian standard of living societies and cultures in the world (of which the great "richest country in the world" U.S.A. does not qualify among by any number of means and examples) -

These things and more to be coming here when I am able. I have MUCH more to add regarding Christian Control and the Word Faith movement, with its teachings that being sick and poor are in the realm of sin - this movement of non-denominational Christianity now dominating televangelism so uncannily backs up republican agendas right down to the most egregious belief being pushed that people simply do not even NEED health insurance because if they are good enough Christians and possess the right 'faith' they should not be getting sick - And how anyone fails to recognize how incredibly the contemporary Christian movements in the U.S.A. are paralleling republican agendas, is simply beyond me.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Life (and death) for homosexuals in some of the Islamic Countries

Now I realize when Sam Harris says anything like some of the things I do he gets applauded, and when I do I'm a RACIST; so with that understanding in mind I'll just say anything I damn well want. 

The stuff going on in Iraq - while and when we actually are there and really working to stop this kind of stuff and prevent it from continuing  - and to my understanding we are not in this area of influence and help there.... I have even read one article which talks about U.S. military guys helping Iraqis round up gays (link soon as I backtrack and find.)
....updated on Jan 25, 2010 - the further I look I find some good things to say about the U.S. military addressing this issue in Iraq:


It gets so horrifying.....their favorite method of torture-death for gay guys is to cement their anus closed, then administer drugs which cause diarrhea - this is apparently an incredibly excruciating death:

From CNN: http://bit.ly/80iRvF

Another source on the torture form of killing: http://bit.ly/6wOiEG

Lots here:

Man why do they have to be so fucking BRUTAL and NASTY, can't they just put a gun to their heads?  And these people are so fucking vehemently religious?! And don't even try and tell me this stuff doesn't all come down to some supposed religious purposes in at least some ways, because they use that excuse for everything themselves.(Meaning Yes I blame Islam too, it's out of their own heads and mouths when they want it to be and I believe it.)

This is the horror of the reality of when an entire culture is somehow stuck back in the middle ages. (among other horrors)
And yes I know that of course most all of these people would not be supportive of at least some of these elements, but the fact is this stuff is as rampant as it is in their culture, these are hardly isolated incidents - and the majority are not exactly real supportive in opposition here either.
(please think well and clearly on the aforementioned point)
So yes I am indeed going to put just a little of the blame on the good Muslims too.

I also have ZERO TOLERANCE for religious 'moderates' and religious 'liberals', which could easily be in itself a topic of its own though it should be spelled out in this writing well enough.

 ...and again, I'm sorry but no I DON'T have to have Tolerance for your religious beliefs.

And neither do I discriminate in any way based on looks or race.
But this selective tolerance for selective intolerance has got to stop.


  1. We have to keep in mind that Evangelical Christians are no different than they are. If they had their way, America would be a theocracy much like Iran and we could see this type of persecution and atrocities.
    The only difference between those fundamentalist muslims and their Christian counterparts is that the Christian clergy has not asked them yet to strap bombs on to themselves.

  2. In some way Raulito I first jump to the feeling that Western society and including Christianity is beyond that now...But in other ways with things going on such as 'The Family' and 'The Brotherhood' and stuff in Uganda, I think you may be right.


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